Do your legs feel tired and painful from muscle fatigue? There's life for legs in Sigvaris® products, which are compression therapy stockings made specifically to help relieve tired legs with sub-optimal blood flow and varicose veins. For example, if you have suffered a DVT (blood clot) or have swelling of the legs, the graduated pressure from compression garments helps to guide the blood away from your legs and towards your heart, which not only relieves heavy and aching legs, but helps prevent the condition from re-occuring.
Sigvaris® has a stocking to fit your lifestyle, from sheer tights for work, to sport socks for athletics. They are tailored specifically to each patient's measurements and medical need so that you feel comfortable and get the best relief for your legs. Work, run, and play longer with Sigvaris® compression therapy garments. For more information, visit the Sigvaris® Canada website.
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